Category: Lifestyle

Fast and Fashionable: NAIAS 2013

naias audi

Welcome to the weekend stylish sweets!

I’m going to need a few e-cuddles this weekend.

For an entire week my mind was freaking insane! My laptop crashed and it kept crashing (hence why this post is a few days later than I expected) it took a little over a full day to get it fixed by yours truly. Good to know I can remember how to get myself out of a random tech jam. Before I could even finish this sentence, it crashed again *sigh* Just hope this doesn’t mean I’ll be in the market for a new laptop soon…fingers crossed. Besides that glitch in the matrix (literally) I got a chance to take in the sights of the auto show.


Thanks to WXYZ Detroit (Channel 7) and the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) I was able to attend an Industry Preview before the doors opened to the public. Can you imagine? A sneak peek at all the cars and exhibits while everything is fresh and new OH and still intact! This was perfect timing for me to break out my Christmas gift, test drive it and snap some amazing shots! Ok, LOTS of amazing shots! You can see all the snap happy pics I took right on my Facebook page that you already liked, you did like it already, right?! Curves And Coffee on Facebook

With all the photos of shiny new cars, I decided to try a fashion experiment  All is fair in love, cars and fashion! The pics came out so well that the true colors of the cars popped out at you immediately. That of course, only meant one thing, focus in on the great styles that would match the vehicles. Take a stroll through NAIAS with a fashion and style obsessed curvy shopaholic.

Weekend errands in an emerald Fiat!
(Pantone would be so proud)
Weekend Warrior
Zooming around town on date night in a Corvette!
Date night
Crazy colors hugging the curves in a Camaro!
Mix & Match It


Have fun at the party in the SRT!
Feeling luxurious in a Lincoln!
Fun Times in a Fiat!
Play Date!

Ahh that was fun! It was like shopping at the mall and shopping for cars all at the same time! As with everything, all items featured in my Polyvore sets are for those with dangerous curves. Don’t be scared to experiment with color, as you can see, I had lots of fun mixing and matching bright colors in all the outfits. Just gotta find something you like and put your foot on the pedal and accelerate!

Feeling Techie: iPad Mini Vs. Samsung Note II

Technology geeks and fans and lovers unite!!  It’s been awhile since I’ve shared some techie news or a new gadget.  Today just feels like the perfect time to find out what’s coming out or recently been released.  Personally, I’m in the tech market for a new camera and possibly a new phone.  I’d like something that has all of those things in one because I carry enough stuff around with me on a daily basis, adding a bulking camera isn’t really on the list.  Although, if I found the perfect camera that wasn’t as bulky that would allow me to take great pics for you guys to see then I’m jumping on it!!

So, what electronic thingy-ma-bobbit-jiggits are hot in these gadget streets these days?  Well, let’s take a looksie shall we…

iPad mini
Apple has seriously lost their minds!  An iPad mini?  Like, there’s an iPhone and the iPad you really need a mini version?  It’s just odd and it totally reminds me of this SNL skit…hilarious about the iPod invisa which is basically just an obsolete model of a just released iPod! (that’s a German site, apparently NBC revokes all copies of their programming…um note to NBC execs, give us permission to show your funny sh!t.)   Now, I can see, if you don’t own either of those Apple products, fine…the mini looks perfect for purse toting.  I’m not judging, just saying…owning all three of those together seems a bit well a lot redundant.

However, if you’d like to purchase the iPad mini, it’ll be released mid-November starting out with a price tag of $329 (regular iPad goes for $499 as comparison)

Anywho…the commercial is cute!

Samsung Galaxy Note II
Samsung is really trying to take over the world and I’m ok with that!  This might be the product for me!  It seriously does everything I need it to do.  It’s a tablet, phone, camera and web wave surfer.  Researching products for this post has actually helped me out with choosing my new gadget!  The commercial doesn’t do it any justice (well not for me because I am NOT a Lebron fan or a Miami Heat fan…NBA basketball for those non sports fans.)

This should allow me to just have ONE device to carry with me everyday without having to lug around a backpack AND a purse.  I just hope the software can hold up to the workload I want to use it for and more importantly will this become obsolete if they come up with a better software.

Going for $369 with TMobile after rebates and incentives.

Dangit nabbit man…the agony of making a tech decision…this is definitely harder than buying a pair of shoes!

It’s NOT Halloween….yet, But it sure is fall!

You’re thinking…it IS Halloween!  Well, that’s true but what if you’re really not that into Halloween, now you’re wondering what you’re going to do.  You could be like me and just sick of looking at everyone’s pictures of how drunk they were at this costume party over the weekend *cough cough* Instagram.

If you’re in Michigan…we tend to be lucky this time of year because there are sooo many things for us to do in the fall.  Especially if you have kids in your house!  That’s kind of where I’m limited for certain fall activities…I’m rugrat free which I love dearly!  It’s just me and my furry babies.
Anywho,  when I was younger and even occasionally now, we (as in my family or school field trips as a kid) would take trips to the apple orchard and cider mills.  Talking about a 9 out of 10 on the fun-o-meter!  Ok, that was an exaggeration but it is something cool to do that isn’t the normal weekend shopping, pizza party or
A few things to do that aren’t costume related…unless you have one of those kids that like to wear a fireman’s hat or a princess tutu everyday.  I see those kids quite often…I’m positive I’ll have one that likes to wear rain boots in the middle of July.  Haha, I’m rambling!
Here’s the list:
Wiards Orchard
Ypsilanti, MI
Hayrides, Cider, Donuts, Night Terror Hayrides, Apple & Pumpkin Picking
Fall Color Tours
Check for your area
Tour the wonderful colors around the Great Lakes
Haunted Theatre
10/30 & 10/31 8-9pm
Detroit, MI
Dexter Cider Mill
Apple picking, Donuts, Cider
Those are just a few things to do this week!  I’ll keep everyone posted of anything that screams excitement in 40 degree weather lol! Enjoy!

Daykoor: Tux Chair

Surprise!  It’s a chair!!

You guys, it’s a “tuxedo chair” that’s gotta be better than a regular chair, right?

(Reaching, I know but you understand)

This weeks love of my life comes in a dark shade.  Way different from my usual chair obsession like here and here and here.

Still worthy of a glimpse.

tuxedo chair
Thank you Crate & Barrel for feeding my need to decorate an apartment I have no room in! This chair would look great in a room with dark wood floors and sleek modern accessories. Imagine a streamlined sofa in solid charcoal next to it with silver accents on the wall.  This could also work in a men’s room (office or place) I can see a dart board somewhere but a luxe one not the kind with the rubber tips!
A black coffee table would be primo!  Maybe a round glass table between the chair and the sofa (with black legs) YES!  This chair works in so many different ways!
How would you decorate?

Mmm! Coffee!

It’s not even 5 pm on this Thursday and I’m already thinking of sleep. Either I’m getting old or I need to adjust my sleep dial to the “snooze more” area.  Let’s go with the latter pretty please.  As I wander around the streets of the wonderful world of…hmm…well…I was just tweeting on Twitter.  Tweets about how I’d like a nap.  Suddenly, I realized, since I worked from home today, there was no time to stop by Starbucks, Tim Hortons, Dunkin’ Donuts or anything morning coffee seller!  That’s what my body was missing!!

Holy #*$)#!!  How is it after 4 pm and my veins aren’t pumped with dark roast?  At this point, you guys should be truly appalled by this lack of commitment.  You should be mad I didn’t wake up early on a day my body didn’t need to move just for coffee!  Caffeine, yeah, had that…Mountain Dew has been my drug of choice this Thursday but no coffee.

Know what I need….yep, you guessed it!  An at-home, out of this world coffee making machine-ma-thingy-jiggit!  Guess who makes one now…yep Starbucks!!

Coffee + Starbucks + At Home = Best Idea Ever!
ORSomething you could do without…you make the call.

Yes, I’d like a Keurig (which I still do believe me) but I wouldn’t mind this either!  It’s $199 which is about the same price as the Keurig model I want sitting on my kitchen counter. This model may be a lot sleeker and stylish. The reviews are fairly decent from coffee lovers i.e. the only opinion I trust when it comes to heavy brewing machinery.  Most say the brew is delicious and that’s all that really matters after-all.

What say you?
Would you make the purchase?

Recipes For Everything!

Pinterest is the exact place to be if you’re looking for something.  It seriously might be better than Google!  Well, that may just be my opinion.

I will give you this warning…

Don’t wander the streets of Pinterest if you’re hungry, haven’t eaten, have a sweet tooth, are on a diet, or just plain want something flavorful for your taste buds.  For reals you guys/gals.  Just don’t do it!

In fact, this whole post is about Pinterest finds….you might wanna go eat, like RIGHT NOW!

Last but not least…just in time for October and Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to put my baking apron on and drive to the market for every last ingredient!

National Coffee Day Cocktails

Hide the under 21 kiddos!!!

Coffee and liquor…in the same glass?  Yes, please!

Sure would be nice to have something with a nice spicy and sweet kick.  Perhaps something that has, oh, I don’t know, a special ingredient.  Could that special ingredient be coffee?  Yes!  I did a little bit of digging and found some tasty things for you to try on National Coffee Day!

I instantly thought to myself… “self, you should have a taste-testing night full of cocktails again.”  I didn’t answer myself because that would just be silly but I did agree with that thought LOL! The thought process was simple: exhaustion, sweet tooth & a little stress equaled me searching for delicious yet coffee centered cocktails!

This is a delicious list of coffee cocktails I’ll be trying this weekend and next week and probably the week after that (not all at once of course…make, mix, sip and pass around LOL)


So if you’re like me, (which I’m sure you are because you wouldn’t be here salivating over these delectable beverages)  you’re gonna want to try these!

Few Google links for glasses!
Happy National Coffee Day!

Morning Linkage: Cup 11 (National Coffee Day)

Captains Log:  Today is Saturday, the 29th day of September in year 2012.  It is also known as National Coffee Day.

A sci-fi reference on a beauty/fashion/lifestyle blog about curvy things…that’s gotta NOT be a first!  Maybe a first for Curves and Coffee but it also might be the last.  If I didn’t lose you and you’re still here reading after only four sentences or so…thank you LOL!

Back to the topic of warm roasted coffee beans…

National Coffee Day?  What? I’m obligated to fill my belly with medium and dark roast all the live long day!  This also means I’m tempted to drive around to every coffee place and get whatever free cup they’re offering!  Well, not really seeing as though the price of gasoline is still very close to $4.00 around these northern parts and well, mama likes to shop!

This should also be constituted as Morning Linkage since I’m going to fill you in on a lil Saturday java goodness!

16 National Coffee Day Freebies! ~ Yahoo

History & More Coffee Day Freebies! ~ Huffpost

Can you believe Starbucks isn’t having anything?! Craziness!

You might wanna head on over to Twitter and follow Dunkin…

In celebration of Nat’l Coffee Day, tweet how u take ur DD Coffee & #DunkinNCD for a chance 2 win a pound of DD Coffee
— Dunkin’ Donuts (@DunkinDonuts) September 28, 2012

In case you’re wondering, yes, yes I did get hungry and thirsty while typing up this post!  I also want more caffeine so I fought with my better judgement and drank a soda (pop as we say) Believe me, coffee will be had by all in just a few hours!

Google for all things coffee!


Enjoy your Saturday sweets!


Daykoor: Interior Design for your Home Office

By now, you should really know I have quite the obssession with chairs.  In case you’re new here…my fascination with chairs is an odd one and I’m sorry in advance.  Well, not really sorry because you’ll get to see all the wonderful chairs that will bring happiness and joy to your home.  That was a tad dramatic.  Moving on….chaaaaaairs!

These swivel babies were a Pinterest find!  Can you believe it?! Me either!
Brought to us by PB Teen aka Pottery Barn

Now, I’m perfectly aware that it’s for a teens room but Pottery Barn NEEDS to make some magic happen!  Wouldn’t one of these look chic for us regular adult people of the desk sitting world?!  If I were designing an office for someone…those chairs would definitely be a main part of the design.

In case you’re like me and like pink or something “wild”…
go for the zebra print which slightly higher at $369
And if you aren’t looking for a chair that swivels
Check out the Ooh La La arm chair
So…what do you think?