A couple of weeks ago, I received an invite to participate in Wowcracys’ Best Outfit Challenge. I get a few offers to collaborate with brands, stores, and the like…some I accept and others I reluctantly turn down for whatever reason. This invite was too good to resist!
What it is Wowcracy, you ask?
Well, in short, it’s crowd funding for fashion designers. To be exact… “Wowcracy is where fashion designers and brands can constantly showcase their upcoming collections. Everyone can pre-order new creations in real time and set a new fashion trend.”
Usually, Wowcracy allows the designers to “call the tune” and the new fashion trend but for this particular challenge, they reached out to fashion bloggers. The challenge was/is to create a look for the upcoming 2014-2015 fall and winter season then post that look to Instagram. They clearly didn’t know I just packed and stored all of my winter clothes lol! On top of that, I absolutely hate taking pictures so this was a true challenge for me indeed!
Whoever wins this challenge will have the most ‘likes’ on Instagram. That means YOU, yes YOU need to get your double tap workout on and like-like-like! The pics will be tagged #CTToutfit.
Below is one of the looks that I styled for myself…this IS already posted to my Instagram feed so get to “liking” it!
Dress: Forever 21+
Boots: Marc Jacobs
Jacket: Vintage
This was totally out of character for me, I know BUT absolutely fun nonetheless! Of course, me being the clumsiest and least photogenic person I know…will have a moment in front of the camera for a change! It’s much easier being a stylist than a model (at least that’s what the voices in my head say.)
If there’s any plus size fashion designers or any type of up and coming designers out there, I’d love to collaborate for this project! The deadline is June 30th (short notice, I know) but if not this year, definitely next season we can do something fun!
Simply email me: [email protected]