Coming for a Starbucks near you muuuhahaha (that’s my best scary laugh lol)
(photos via Starbucks.com)
You knew this would happen! So, the very next day, I decided to go out and try it (I also bought a caramel frappucino just in case this was god awful…gotta think ahead) The flavor was more mocha than green caramel apple to me. The apple flavor was more of an after taste but it wasn’t bad…I mean, it could’ve been worse. If you want to try it…go now…you have today (October 30th) and tomorrow (October 31st) ONLY!
The colorful frozen treat is filled with apple and caramel flavors. Not sure if I’ll grab one because these aren’t flavors that I particularly love BUT and that’s a big but…I don’t want to have FOMO (fear of missing out).
The Zombie Frappucino is only available between October 26th- October 31st so if you’re going to try it, you better hurry in to your nearest store and grab one!!
You’ll know if I grab one…let me know if you do!