Category: News

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays 2014

merry christmas and happy holidays

Just wanted to wish everyone out there a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday!


I’m still recovering from surgery but that didn’t stop my Christmas cheer or my obsession with the holiday add-ons from Pixlr!!





Everything should be back to normal once the new year comes around….fingers crossed! Til then, be safe and enjoy these festive times. If you need me for hugs….I’m always available!

Let’s Play Catch Up! Blog Update

It’s November!

I know — I know…I’ve been M.I.A. lately and please accept my deepest apologies.


Here’s an update…

Halloween and the costume that never was…after searching EVERYWHERE in my area for supplies, no craft store had what I needed. The closest I came to having a bedazzled “Egyptian” style collar was placing an order online, only to have the store tell me that they were out of stock. That’s when I realized, it wasn’t going to happen because if there was another order from anywhere else, the items wouldn’t get to me in time.

Insert sinus infection right about………….NOW!

Two weeks feeling absolutely miserable with the sinus infection from hell! This thing was unshakeable! Once it started, my Asthma knocked on the door suffocating my entire existence! I really just wanted to call it quits you guys but I didn’t (woohoo!)


Just as everything started to clear up, MomO (my mom) needed me to take care of her and a few things around the house for a week and a half. Which meant endless driving among other things that left me with ZERO energy to do anything once I got home each day.

So, here we are, well into November, dodging snowflakes and ice patches…just trying to make it to Thanksgiving without any incidents.

Life sure can throw a mean curve-ball!

Living The Dream: Writing my way to becoming my own boss



It’s rare that I publish a non-fashion or style post but today is just one of those days. You guys are going to learn a little or a lot more about me (depending on how far of a tangent I go on lol)

It’s been two whole years since Curves And Coffee was born and a huge thanks to those of you who’ve followed me on this exciting journey! It started with a dream and now readers from all over the world visit! I never intended for this to become a profession. It started as more of a hobby until I figured out the next phase in my life while in between grad school programs.

Who knew that next phase would actually include USING my degree in communication to promote self-love and share my love of fashion with the world?! I’m just glad that there’s a visitor here now and then.

As time continues, I’ve started to think about what’s in store for Curves And Coffee instead of what’s next for me. There’s NO way to predict the next steps..not even a bit! What I can share with you, is that, Curves And Coffee will become my full-time project. I want to produce a great lifestyle site both visually and intellectually, be able to travel and spread the word of self-love and a sense of community among the curvy world. Some day, I’d even like to open a small café that serves the finest coffees (of course) with possibly a boutique right beside it. One day, I’m gonna need money for all of this!!

Pretty sure by now you’re wondering, “why is she sharing all of this?” Well, a few weeks ago, while shopping on eBay (yes, I have a shopping problem) I noticed an advertisement for this company called Kabbage. The ad said something about owning your own company and it immediately caught my eye. It was like a sign, brightly blinking telling me to go ahead and go! Of course, me being the forgetful person  that I am…time passed and nothing ever came of me going further than browsing and reading their testimonials.




Then, an email arrived from one of the Kabbage community managers asking if I would be interested in sharing my dreams. That’s DEFINITELY another blinking sign. Needless to say, I accepted the “challenge” to share my dreams with you guys so here we are! No, Kabbage didn’t offer me an instant starter loan for this post…it’s just me sharing this pretty cool company!


What is Kabbage?

Kabbage is a like a lending bank but better! Instead of using just your credit score like other lending sources, Kabbage allows its’ borrowers to use their company accounts’ that are already established. Kabbage provides small business loans for fellow entrepreneurs in a very unique way. You can see part of their process in the diagram below.




See, it’s THAT simple to get approved for your start-up or “already” thriving business. I once created a business plan for my company way before those “dreams” ever popped up…it was actually during an Entrepreneur  course in undergrad. The fact that my brain still retains most of that course is pure wizardry! I’m fully equipped to branch out make Curves And Coffee an official company and get stamped with a big hunk of LLC, so am I waiting on?




Guess Who’s Back…

It’s me!

Welcome to the NEW!

First things first…sorry it took so long (insert all the techie, blogger headache, internet issues here). I won’t bore you guys with every trouble shooting thing I went through over the past month because it was A LOT! Totally worth the troubles.

So, what’s new?


— layout


–site host

–blogging platform

I’ll probably experiment with colors and design a few more times (a girl can never be satisfied as the cliche goes…I just like to keep things fresh and new)

You can expect the same type of writing and posts that you love so no worries there.

OH! Before I forget…

HAPPY 2 Year Blogaversary to ME!!

Cleaning Out The Curves And Coffee Closet

If you’ve visited in the last week or so, you’ll notice something different…….

I MOVED! Yay! (hopefully I’ll be physically moving to a new place soon as well!)

So, Curves And Coffee has made the leap to totally renovate, clean out, and pretty up the place. Over the next couple of weeks, there will be a few more changes but nothing major *fingers crossed*…I’m still moving boxes (posts) to the new digs so it could be just a couple broken links…if you happen to come across one, just email-tweet-Facebook me and I’ll be sure to get right on it! I didn’t want to leave you guys with the “under construction” sign so this is why we’re going live!

H U G E thanks to Georgia over at Godaddy for helping me through this process!  so she’s been a big help!

Pardon the dust and stay tuned for more of what you love!



Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself…

Hey there stylish sweets!


It’s been a very long and stressful month and I’m finally getting back into the swing of things. Firstly, I’d like to thank you guys for being such great supporters during this heart-breaking time. Losing my grandfather has been the hardest thing for me to go through next to losing my grandmother five years earlier. I needed to step away from the blog and the fashion world while I focused on family and finding the lighter side of things.


Finally the fog has lifted and I’m able to focus on you guys. Sure there will be plenty of moments when my mood isn’t the greatest but that’s to be expected (as you can read….writing is also quite therapeutic for me) but I’m gonna try to give my all. Thanks again for the hugs, kisses, condolences, prayers, and well wishes throughout this time.


It truly means a lot.


With that said…


I’m back!


Stay tuned for your fave curvy girl posts about shopping, fashion, and even a few guest posters! Fashion month begins, it’s Super Bowl Sunday, the 2014 tennis season has started up, and the winter olympics….sheesh! I didn’t return a moment too soon!



(xoxo Rena)

Morning Linkage: Cup 35

Good morning stylish sweets and Happy New Years Eve!
Can you believe it’s the last day of 2013? Where did the year go? Sure I’ve said this before and just like all the previous NYE nights…time sure does fly!
As 2013 comes to a close, meet your final cup of coffee for 2013
Since there’s nothing like a little self love and promotion *wink* here’s something you might like…
Curves And Coffee’s Most Popular Posts of 2013
My fave Top Ten lists floating around the web (in no particular order) 
The Strangest Photos of 2013 ~ Business Insider
We are women, hear us ROAR! 13 Badass Women of 2013 ~ Mother Jones
Some of us like sports and some of us don’t. One thing we can agree on, there’s absolutely NO WAY we can afford the items on this list! The 50 Most Valuable Sports Teams of 2013 ~ Forbes
As a car lover and a person who has the “need for speed”, here are the Staff Picks for The Best of 2013 Cars ~ MotorTrend
According to Amazon, THESE are your top coffee makers of 2013… ~ Amazon
Because we love fashion and because she’s curvy and because her name starts with a “B”…and, and, and…I could go on forever (I won’t) here are ALL the outfits and fashion looks from Beyonce and her new album. ~ NY Mag
13 of the most popular recipes of 2013! ~ Today
Speaking of singers…this Top Ten list is scandalous! ~ AskMen
Ever wonder how much the World’s Most Expensive Hermes would cost in 2013? ~ Yahoo!
That’s all for now sweets!
Remember to be safe and please, pretty please DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE!
Happy New Year!

Morning Linkage: Cup 34

Guess who’s baaaack?!


It’s me!


Good morning stylish sweets!



Sorry I’ve been away. My GrandPaPa is in the hospital and still recovering. I have to be on call and available 24 hours a day…imagine that stress for a person that barely gets sleep in the first place. So needless to say, I had to take a quick break from everything and just try my best to relax. It’s been a hard and long moment in time but I think I’m finally adjusting to the circumstances put in front of me. With that said, I’m going to try my best to start posting regularly again. Thanks for being patient and sending all of your good vibes my way 🙂



So, now that you guys are updated, let’s jump back into the swing of things, shall we?!



Owl Pilgrims @ CafePress



Grab your coffee for todays Morning Linkage!



Regular Women + Curvy Bodies + Lingerie = The most amazing show of confidence I’ve ever seen! See why us curvy girls rock! ~ Huffington Post Women 



Read and see more about Curvy Girl Lingerie owner Chrystal Bougon ~ Plus Size Lingerie



Looking for another way to use your extra coffee (that is of course, IF you have extra coffee) around the house? Look no further! ~ Bruce Lubin



I. Am. So. Doing. This. Buy and/or sell your plus size clothing on Twice! ~ Twice



Lady Gaga is Donatella Versace these days and I’m loving it! ~ Fashionista



In case you never lived during the 1920’s and we haven’t, The Thought Catalog has compiled a list of awesome phrases from the era to use today! ~ Thought Catalog



That’s all for today!


 Hope your Monday is great!

Coffee Break

(meant to post this sooner) 

Due to a family emergency, I’m going to be away from the blog for short period of time. I ask that everyone bear with me during this busy and stressful time.

For my wonderful readers…thank you and can feel free to contact me at any time!

If you, your company, PR firms, or any advertisers need to get in touch…simply email me at and I’ll do my best to respond as quickly as possible.

You can still find me anywhere in the social world…just click on the contact tab or click the social media icon to the right of this post.


Rena xo

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month



What It Is:


Every year, I look forward to this month for this exact reason. Even though, we’re able to fight for a cure throughout the year, October serves as a time when brands, professional sports, and many more acknowledge the fight. There are tons of ways to help fight for a cure and throughout the month of October, I will share the many ways I find.



Why It Means So Much:


Four years ago, I lost my grandmother to breast cancer. She fought for an incredible 20+ years after her initial diagnosis. As a survivor and a fighter, she made sure I understood the cause even as a kid. So today, I strive to make sure the world knows how important it is to find a cure. This is probably why I love the color pink so much now! My grandmother is also the same woman who made sure I was an oddball for life by making me left-handed…soooo I’m pretty sure she forced pink on me too 🙂



How To Fight:


The easiest way to protect yourself is to check yourself! FEEL YOUR BOOBIES! Ladies, it can’t be any easier than that! In the shower or laying in the bed, softly grab those boobs of yours and caress them like no on has ever caressed them before!









Fight on!