Blonde… Espresso

drinks, recipes etc
Coming for a Starbucks near you muuuhahaha (that’s my best scary laugh lol)
(photos via Starbucks.com)
You knew this would happen! So, the very next day, I decided to go out and try it (I also bought a caramel frappucino just in case this was god awful…gotta think ahead) The flavor was more mocha than green caramel apple to me. The apple flavor was more of an after taste but it wasn’t bad…I mean, it could’ve been worse. If you want to try it…go now…you have today (October 30th) and tomorrow (October 31st) ONLY!
The colorful frozen treat is filled with apple and caramel flavors. Not sure if I’ll grab one because these aren’t flavors that I particularly love BUT and that’s a big but…I don’t want to have FOMO (fear of missing out).
The Zombie Frappucino is only available between October 26th- October 31st so if you’re going to try it, you better hurry in to your nearest store and grab one!!
You’ll know if I grab one…let me know if you do!
‘Tis the season for snow, street fashion, and super models in New York!
New York Fashion week has kicked off and there’s a new sponsor in town. Lavazza coffee signed on to be one of the sponsors this fashion season and hosted a few tasting (tasty) events. The Lavazza Coffee Moment happening during NYFW at Skylight Clarkson Square in the Papyrus Café & VIP Lounge.
Bummed, I’m not in New York to experience this particular event (and the many runway shows) because it sure looks delicious! Fellow coffee lovers that aren’t in NYC, we must converged one of these days!
Get excited fellow coffee lovers and connoisseurs, our holiday is finally upon us again! September 29th is here and it’s National Coffee Day! If you’ve followed me around for the last 4 years, you know I take this day serious!
Have a blast from past celebrations here at Curves And Coffee:
~ A Coffee Break with The CEO of Camus Coffee
~ National Coffee Day: Featuring Camus Coffee
~ Celebrate National Coffee Day (Night) with Sobieski Espresso Vodka
Every year, select establishments that serve the drink we love so much will be offering some caffeine infused deals. Of course I’ve already done the digging for you so take a looksie below to see where to stop for a little (probably a lot) of java!
Einstein Bros – Free medium coffee with purchase
Peets Coffee – Free coffee with food purchase
Dunkin Donuts – Medium coffee for $0.66
Krispy Kreme – Free small coffee + free original glazed donut
Pilot Flying J – Free coffee + other hot beverages
I think this list is getting shorter and shorter every year and that absolutely sucks! More retailers should take advantage of this day to give back to its’ loyalist of customers (just saying ya know).
Speaking of giving back…for National Coffee Day, Starbucks will donate a coffee tree for every brewed cup of México Chiapas coffee. So grab your dollars for the Mexico Chiapas so Starbucks can plant a tree! That’s definitely a win-win situation!
If you know of anymore deals, feel free to send them to me via Twitter or email!
Remember, sharing is caring.
Ok, that isn’t Andre Agassi but a flash mob of blonde mullet lookalikes that invaded Union Station in New York. Earlier on Tuesday, Agassi teamed up with Lavazza for a celebration that included the flash mob and coffee at NYC’s Nomo Kitchen.
To top off all of this goodness, Lavazza will be donating a portion of their sales during the US Open to the Andre Agassi Foundation which will support the education of children. “For every cup of Lavazza coffee ($3) purchased at the US Open this year, one dollar ($1) will be donated to the USTA to support the Andre Agassi Foundation.” So if you’re in the New York area and going to see some tennis, be sure to help the kids and get your brew crew on!
It’s finally time for everyone else to celebrate what I (and other fellow coffee lovers) celebrate every single day…
drum roll please
It’s National Coffee Day!
Check out these national chains who are game to give us free coffee (or discounted deals) on a cup of java!
I’m slightly bummed some chains aren’t offering a free cup like they did in previous years but don’t let that stop you! Be sure to stop in your local coffee shops to what deals they may be offering. Plus it’s always great to shop and spend at small businesses.
You can also show your team spirit on social media by tagging posts and pics with #NationalCoffeeDay and #CurvesAndCoffee! I’d love to see your warm indulgences!
To see past celebrations simply click here ~~~> National Coffee Day
What better way to celebrate National Coffee Day than with National Coffee Night?!
Yes, our favorite drink is taking us from day to night with a java twist!
Sure there’s your regular cup of Joe but it’s a holiday so let’s spike it up a notch!
The kind folks over at Sobieski Vodka, sent over a sample of their espresso flavored vodka and a great cocktail recipe!
The recipe includes…
With me being under the weather, I couldn’t fully enjoy this cocktail like I wanted to. Meaning, I couldn’t down the martini glass in two seconds then smash a beer can on my forehead. BUT. What I could do, twist open the Sobieski bottle and enjoy the aroma of sweet coffee.
Once the irresistible scent of espresso came over me, there was no way I could resist taking a sip (or three) don’t tell my doctor!
Now, with me being the coffee lover that I am, this delicious vodka espresso flavored vodka will get a new twist….caramel! Can’t wait to try that mix!
It’s finally here!
Hopefully you guys are going out today, even if it’s only to grab your free cup of java!! That’s my plan at least. Free coffee might be the best beverage giveaway in this entire world next to water! National Coffee Day takes place at the end of September and continues to boost brands and businesses each year.
This year, I had the lovely opportunity to taste TWO coffee flavors from Camus Coffee. A brand that’s fairly new to the coffee world, Camus Coffee provided me with their most popular roasts…French Roast and Signature Blend. Trying a new ANYTHING can be scary but trying a new coffee can sometimes be delightfully delicious!
As a producer of luxury cognacs Maison Camus has now ventured into the coffee making business….pretty sweet if you ask me! “Already found in Harrods (London), Takashimaya (Singapore), and the Ritz-Carlton (Shanghai), CAMUS Coffee focuses on the highest end of the quality scale, similarly to CAMUS Cognacs which are driven by qualities XO and above.” ~ Maison Camus
Camus also has a signature “adult beverage” aptly called the “CAMUCCINO”. Fortunately and unfortunately…I was only able to try the coffees which are superb…seriously, superb! The CAMUCCINO is a blended coffee cocktail that mixes Camus Cognac AND Maison Camus Coffee (French Roast) for what I can guess is a mouth full of joy!
Pretty sure I won’t be staying up after having that tasty drink! More like curling up next to my honey and watching a movie for the night. So, um, hey, how can I get my hands on some Camus Cognac?! 😉
To learn more about CAMUS Coffee, enjoy this PDF brochure {Camus Brochure}
Find CAMUS Coffee on Facebook: Camus-Coffee
Tweet CAMUS Coffee: @CamusCoffee
Hang on to your coffee cups and enjoy Coffee Break With The CEO
Disclosure: I (Rena/Curves And Coffee) was contacted and provided samples to taste and was not in any way paid or obligated to do a review and/or blog post on Curves And Coffee for Camus Coffee. It was purely my choice to comment and share my opinion. I am not affiliated with Camus, Maison Camus, or Deussen Global.
It’s not even 5 pm on this Thursday and I’m already thinking of sleep. Either I’m getting old or I need to adjust my sleep dial to the “snooze more” area. Let’s go with the latter pretty please. As I wander around the streets of the wonderful world of…hmm…well…I was just tweeting on Twitter. Tweets about how I’d like a nap. Suddenly, I realized, since I worked from home today, there was no time to stop by Starbucks, Tim Hortons, Dunkin’ Donuts or anything morning coffee seller! That’s what my body was missing!!
Holy #*$)#!! How is it after 4 pm and my veins aren’t pumped with dark roast? At this point, you guys should be truly appalled by this lack of commitment. You should be mad I didn’t wake up early on a day my body didn’t need to move just for coffee! Caffeine, yeah, had that…Mountain Dew has been my drug of choice this Thursday but no coffee.
Know what I need….yep, you guessed it! An at-home, out of this world coffee making machine-ma-thingy-jiggit! Guess who makes one now…yep Starbucks!!
Yes, I’d like a Keurig (which I still do believe me) but I wouldn’t mind this either! It’s $199 which is about the same price as the Keurig model I want sitting on my kitchen counter. This model may be a lot sleeker and stylish. The reviews are fairly decent from coffee lovers i.e. the only opinion I trust when it comes to heavy brewing machinery. Most say the brew is delicious and that’s all that really matters after-all.
Hide the under 21 kiddos!!!
Coffee and liquor…in the same glass? Yes, please!
Sure would be nice to have something with a nice spicy and sweet kick. Perhaps something that has, oh, I don’t know, a special ingredient. Could that special ingredient be coffee? Yes! I did a little bit of digging and found some tasty things for you to try on National Coffee Day!
I instantly thought to myself… “self, you should have a taste-testing night full of cocktails again.” I didn’t answer myself because that would just be silly but I did agree with that thought LOL! The thought process was simple: exhaustion, sweet tooth & a little stress equaled me searching for delicious yet coffee centered cocktails!
This is a delicious list of coffee cocktails I’ll be trying this weekend and next week and probably the week after that (not all at once of course…make, mix, sip and pass around LOL)
So if you’re like me, (which I’m sure you are because you wouldn’t be here salivating over these delectable beverages) you’re gonna want to try these!