My Friday Favorites and My Favorite Beauty Bloggers Favorites

A couple of weeks ago, I had a thought about doing a post full of my favorite things.  This came about for several reasons…

1.  I’d like for you guys and gals to know me a little better.

2.  It’s fall and “The Sound of Music” always comes on and I instantly revert back to elementary school. I was in the choir (along with other things) singing “These are a few of my favorite things, when the dog barks, when a bee stings…when I’m feeling sad…” (yep performing my entire life…I’m THAT girl.)

3.  I like the letter “F”…it’s the first letter in my last name and Friday Favorites has a nice ring to it.

Sooo, just as I had that random thought,  I saw a tweet from one of my absolute favorite (see what I did there) beauty bloggers… Kandee Johnson!  I started loving Kandee way back when she made videos about cutting up your old t-shirts haha!  That should tell you how long I’ve been a fan.  Well, she recently did her faves vlog on YouTube which she was trying out a new format.  All of this happened at the same I was contemplating this favorites post!  Since I’m a believer of signs and stuff…I knew I had to do it!

Here’s Kandee Johnson’s video for her favorites…

UPDATE: For some reason YouTube isn’t linking the correct video *le sigh* technology
That should be the correct link for Kandee’s Favorites Video…..

But feel free to watch whichever one of her videos shows below 🙂

Now, I love the whole video blog concept but it’s just not for me.  I’d looooove to do one but editing, lighting and me not looking like a total goofball are all factors.  Yes, all those things sound like it’d be the perfect recipe for a viral internet video but that’s almost like becoming famous for being a Kard…..never mind that thought.  My point is, I’d have a struggle just getting ready to make a YouTube video LOL I’m entirely too clumsy for something as technical as that!!

So I digress…

My current faves are all make-up related since I’ve been doing a lot of spending in the beauty department and Sephora.  These are all in the “affordable” category and by that I mean, drugstore prices and not department store prices except for one.

(only I can possibly pick up a lip color, not know the name, then get home and find out it’s called “Lovesick” smh there is absolutely no hope for me lol)
This is really my absolute favorite thing to put on my lips (next to Burt’s Bees)  When I wear this, I don’t need to put any balm on because it’s mixed into the stained lip color itself.  It stains. Seriously.  One swipe on the bottom lip and a half swipe on the top lip and I’m honestly good ALL DAY!  Double bonus…it’s minty! It only comes off if I wipe it after a meal and drink.  Even after wiping, my lips have a nice rose/pink tone to them which looks totally natural….I am in love!
Continous Cranberry

I’ve always been a wary chick when it comes to anything with a time limit on it.  Not that I think something is wrong with it but that I never believe it would actually work!  Being a Beauty Blogger, these are the things we write about…will this 14hr lipstick last 14 hours?  I’m going to test this claim when I need to wear this gorgeous cranberry color all day.  The thing I have tested, is wearing it for a couple of hours…its a matte color (totally not fond of…give me some shine, gloss or hint of glitter ANY day!) Bonus: this lipstick smells delish!  It’s sweet and sugary almost like cranberries. I wanted to lick my lips a lot those few hours it was on.
Painted Purple
This. Is. To. Die. For.
Being black or having darker skin tones is a major challenge when it comes to finding make-up.  Especially finding colors and shades and brands that actually show up on our skin!  Well, this is thee one!  I put it on my  arm where it’s lighter underneath and darker on the top of my forearm (I’m kinda a rainbow like that lol) and as you can see the color definitely shows up outstandingly!  I did test this out while I was at home for a few hours, it looks gorg on the lids and it absolutely lasts all day!  When I went to bed that night, I was washing my wash and it wouldn’t come off LOL literally had to use remover…fun times!
(this is a sample sized 1oz bottle)
Speaking of make-up remover…this is my favorite of favorites!  Having sensitive skin is a bummer for just about everything!  I have to be careful about what touches my skin or it could get ugly…real ugly and really fast.  I first tried BI-FACIL when it came packaged as a free gift with another Lancome purchase (btw…I’m a sucker for “free w/purchase” stuff…marketing departments definitely know what they’re doing!) I’ve been hooked ever since! It’s two liquids that only work after you shake the bottle to mix them…science is fun kiddos!  Use this with a cotton ball and one or two swipes, depending on how much you’re wearing of course and it’s all gone bye-bye!  BI-FACIL isn’t even the one for sensitive skin….there’s another one called EFFACIL for sensitive users!!!  So that’s an absolute bonus! No residue on your lids, no stinky smell, no oily fingers…nothing = perfect!
“…I simply remember my favorite things and then I don’t feel so bad.”