Leap of Faith

Just want to start off by saying….. THANK YOU!

I never really thought I’d be back blogging again especially having a fashion blog with a dot com address!!  Friends and family were all pushing for me to do it and after many nights of contemplation I took the leap of faith and just did it.  So happy that I did!

It’s only been 14 days since the site has been live but it feels like a lifetime with all the support you guys have given me.  I’m sure there’ll be extraordinary days of bliss, a couple plateaus and maybe even some down days (hopefully not lol) but that’s all a part of starting something new.  Just gotta keep pushing and stay positive.

So, to continue on this positive path, I decided to take another leap of faith and make a Twitter account for Curves and Coffee!!!!  Amazing, right?!  Mostly out of respect for my friends on my personal account, I don’t want to fill timelines ALL DAY with links to my blog posts….maybe just once a day for you guys!

To all my friends, family and the wonderful strangers that make me smile behind this keyboard everyday…. THANK YOU!

Now go to Twitter and follow Curves and Coffee.…enough of the mushy stuff you little sap trees!!!


Kisses & Love
