Morning Linkage: Cup 24

So, I’m guessing, since you’re reading this…you made it though the 12/21/12 “apocalypse”! Well congrats to you! Besides making it through the end of the world as we know it, it’s also Friday! TGIF! It’s a long weekend for some people because the Christmas holiday falls during the week.  If you’re one of those lucky peeps, jump for joy!!

Oh, also, grab some eggnog and use that as your cream for your coffee this morning.  Trust me, you won’t be disappointed!

Morning Links…

Toribio – Totally cool clothing company started by 3 guys

Carpools to Cocktails – Chic blog with tons of style! You can’t help but love a blog when a little one takes mommies pics!

Brittany Hanks – Great artist with amazing art. Also sold on Ebay! I definitely need to get a piece of hand-painted art and step my adulthood game up.

Saint Bustier – What’s in a name?! Uh hello! A shopping site dedicated to all us curvy and women with um a bubbly bust!

All of those stylish sweets are all on Twitter! Twitter is a great place to mingle…like really have some good conversation.  It also lets you meet tons of interesting people from around the globe! Finding blogs that were previously unknown to me, is outstanding!

Check those out and meet us all on Twitter! @CurvesAndCoffee